Tuesday, 10 July 2018

Last week, our uni eventually announced the date for our graduation and it suddenly became a wake up call for me. For the past few months, I have indulged myself in the leisure of staying at home, fully committed to the Holy month of Ramadhan (for one whole month!), spent one week of holiday with my family and a few weeks of back to back series which had been piling for the past few months in my 'to-watch' folder. Not to mention, my endless journey to the mall; virtually and physically, to spend every last penny I have in my bank account.

And now, I'm officially broke with no job and is about to attend my convocation.

What a life. 

Nonetheless, seeing the inevitable reminder (about our convocation) from my fellow classmates, I was suddenly made aware that my teenage years of freedom and insouciance will soon be behind me, as reality continuously tosses me with a heap of adult responsibilities *wailing OH NOOOO 96 harakat*

As I struggled to hunt for part time jobs, a close friend of mine, Kubis calmed the sudden storm that was raging inside me. For a few days, I kept on bugging her with my first-world problem, which to me, was like an ailment; not for long, will impoverish me.

In return, I received a very long reply from her. Most of the parts were telling me not to be daunted by people's expectation and I should carry on doing the things that I have longed to do for the past few years. "You always said you do not have enough time to do this and that, try this and that. Well, this is the time that God has given to you. Go and do them! Soon, you'll be working and Goodness knows if you will ever have as much free time," she said.

And as simple as that, her words made me went, "Why didn't I think of that?" because for a short period before that, I was worried of what would happen to me for the next few months, and most importantly, what would people think of a jobless version of Anis. I was worried sick of those insignificant perceptions.

Yes. She was right. I have only a few months left to do the things that I have always wanted to try. And for the next few months, I hope I'll be able to carry them on.

As for the things that I've been worrying about, they will gradually take place, sooner or later. Why should I rush them...

Oh well,
Anis being classic Anis. So overly INTJ on things, always wanting to have plans and backup plans and worrying about what's next. 
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