Tuesday, 31 July 2018

Declining proposals because that's what I do now

Nana and Mayra are currently in KL for their job interview while I'm home, turning into Hulk (because green, geddit?) about their trip 😞.

As they were discussing the possibilities for them to land the job, they sent a video proposal to me, asking me to become their housewife... (which means, once again, I get the chance to control their lives *screamsYESYESYESontopofmylungs) Urgh! Love it when people appreciate you for being a Monica.

Seems like they could not get enough of me for the past four years 💅 and awwww gurls, I'm flattered.

I could totally see the prospect of us living together again. (Gosh, it's so much easier tolerating the people that you already knew, isn't it?) Besides,  I loveeee managing their lives 😂 it can be quite fun sometimes. Although not that I'm going to admit it to them.

Hence, before I could reply "Yes" to them, I did what a proper lady would do: I outlined the benefits that I shall reap from that triangle-love thingy, so that whenever I'm taken for granted, I still have what I need as I pack to leave (gittew).

Hmph. How rude, wanting to pay me with kasih sayang only 😒
No thanks!


P/s: If 'kasih sayang' is a legit currency, it could have been a yes. Just sayin...
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