Friday, 1 January 2021


This blog was created when I was 17 and and it has recorded countless memories, be it sorrow or joy.

Years of growth recorded through writings, where emotions were the most raw, genuine and vulnerable, and not a single day of regret come to me for being as frank as I have ever been here. In fact, it's my proudest credo.
Can't believe how much I've grown into the person that I am today, passing through lives, having people walking in and out of my episodes; contributing to the woman that I am. 

I used to be
 very immature, where I only saw my surroundings based on on my personal p.o.v. and was too quick to judge others, which consequently blinded my perceptions. It took a whole bunch of people and personal reflections for me to come into realization and be aware of my misguided belief. Of course, having written pieces for you to reread your thoughts and reflect on your behaviours only made you grow more. And for that, I’m glad that I kept them here, where I can personally witness my growth.

What adulthood has taught me (well, so far) is how to erase certain types of mentality and embrace whatever outlandish quirks that people possess. Acceptance and adaptability go hand in hand; not severely dichotomising towards extremity. You learn to accept people for who they are and you learn how to adapt. Not bending them to your ruler (although in term of educating the young feeble minds, this trait becomes necessary hehe)

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