Saturday, 19 November 2016

Postponed Me-Time

To be honest, I had to attend an event at SK Sungai Gelugor today. To make the long story short, I had a presentation for my class (also today) and gotta leave the program to others. Felt sooo bad as I really wanna go and join them. But yeah, couldn't avoid the clashes.
Alhamdulillah, everything went well. I wouldn't know even if they lied but yeah, it went pretty well. 

After coming back from our presentation, I was already tired and it's Friday ! Yay to Friyay ! Haha.
Anyway, we changed into our robes, switched on our laptops and started pigging. I was all set for my weekends.
Sepasang Anis.
Anis Fakhira & Anis Farhana

Just before I could hit the upload button on my Insta Story, I received a notification on my WhatsApp,

Deborah asked in the group; "Guys, where's the meeting."

And I was like...
"We have a meeting today ?"
*smashed my head on the wall
What. How. Why. Whennn did they decide this.

"I don't think I can go, Deb," I told my assistant and she told me to rest because according to her, "You sound like you're sick Anis. Have plenty of rest." Yeah. I was so exhausted and worn out by this evening. It had been a super long week.
Thus, I updated Deborah on our department and asked her to inform me with anything new. Since she's my assistant, I'm technically there hahaha so I hope others would understand.
I promise this is the first and the last time, guys. I have never skipped any meeting before.

Just before I could put my head on the pillow, I noticed that Azim had not sent me any photos from the program earlier. *another gelabah itik moment.
I have finished writing the coverage for Utusan Melayu and they're expecting it by this evening. Can't send the write up if there's no photos. And we paid thousands for that. No no. What's he doinggg ? Why I can't reach him ? *gelabah leveled up *run here and there
I'd reminded everyone in the group for a few times already since last night.
And Azim himself agreed to do it.

I started to panic. We promised to submit at 3.

I texted Azim again.
No reply.

It's already past 3.

Texted Azim again.
Was ignored too.
So I settled other things first.

5.05 pm he replied me, "Why you didn't tell me earlier. I'm out since morning."

-_-  Bruh ? It's your job. I'm just reminding you here to make sure you did your job. 
6.30 pm, I received the photos. . .


Oookaay. Thank you.

Nana had finished watching a few movies already by that time and I was just about to choose one. . .

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